Your asphalt, paving, or construction projects may leave you with a lot of leftover materials to deal with. Instead of throwing them away or pushing them aside until they pile up and crowd your work site, learn how Rock Road can help you recycle and repurpose those materials for other projects.

Recycling at Rock Road

One of the most environmentally friendly aspects of our work is the amount of recycling that occurs at Rock Road. Whether we’re cleaning up after our own projects or helping our clients deal with their leftover project materials and debris, Rock Road is committed to finding innovative and sustainable solutions for our communities.


Which Materials Can Be Recycled?

There are a few different types of materials that Rock Road routinely recycles after our own projects or that can be accepted at our public recycling centers:


Leftover Asphalt

Rock Road recycles 100% of the asphalt that we remove and/or replace during our commercial, residential, or heavy highway paving and construction projects. We are also able to accept clean asphalt materials that are leftover from demolition projects.


Did you know that shingles are often made using asphalt materials as well? Good news: we take those too! Old asphalt shingles can be recycled into new asphalt mixtures. Shingle recycling is an environmentally friendly way to make sure that your old asphalt shingles are not sent to a landfill.

Crushed Concrete Aggregates

Certain aggregate materials like crushed concrete or topsoil can often be recycled or       repurposed for other projects so long as they are screened for contaminants first.. At Rock Road, our recycling center accepts clean soil and mixed loads that contain combinations of all different materials.

FUN FACT: a load of leftover concrete is considered “clean” or uncontaminated when it contains broken pieces of concrete without metal, soil, or asphalt.

How to Recycle with Rock Road

We strive to make it easy for members of our community to recycle with us. Here are a few simple ways you can learn more about our Recycling Plant, acceptable materials, or our recycling process at Rock Road.

The most common way people recycle leftover materials with us is by dropping them off at our Public Recycling Center located at our Janesville office. The center is open during regular business hours from Monday through Friday each week.

Public Recycling Location

Janesville Office: 301 West B-R Townline Road, PO Box 1818
Open Monday-Friday, 8am - 4pm

For some projects, our team can offer assistance with the removal or transportation of leftover project materials. If you’re ever unsure about whether or not your leftover project materials can be recycled with us, you can always reach out to our team at our Recycling Plant to double check first.

Recycling Plant Phone Number:


Looking for an experienced partner to trust with your next project? Contact our team today and let Rock Road’s paving and infrastructure experts help you get things moving!